Wednesday, January 13, 2010

messy happy decor & playing hard

They say in Boulder people work hard so they can play hard. I think in our house the work is play... But an awful lot of learning happens when we're playing... :-)

Once, when Andy was about Zoe's age, he was told that all he had done all day was play. He answered, "I'm a kid, that's my job."

Tired out from playing hard...


  1. Thanks for sharing these pics!! So nice to see someone else's house looks lived in! And all for a good cause, our babes!

  2. Children have nice comments huh.Nice to see that your child also makes mess.

  3. Ik leer veel van mijn kinderen, en ik probeer de puinhoop waarderen, want op een dag zullen ze volwassen zijn. Sante, Kelly

    I learn much from my children, and I try to appreciate the mess, because some day they will be adults. Cheers, Kelly
